When my second son came along in October of 2007. I was a new mom again because I had to figure out how to be a mother to 2 amazing and adorable boys. Once again, I had no idea what I was doing but I was completely in love with my two little boys.
Then there came baby number 3, our little tattered angel in October of 2009. She came with a lot of unknowns and again I became a new mom of 3. I had to figure out how to care for my spirited boys and my special needs daughter who needed a lot of medical attention. Thank goodness I was not alone. I had my amazing husband who helped wherever he could even though he was in medical school for the majority of her time with us. I had family that stepped in to stay with her in the hospital when I needed to spend time with my boys or watched them while I was in the hospital. I had friends that provided meals for us and child care for the boys. Life was crazy but good.
And then you come to the present... 2 miscarriages, two boys, a sick little girl who passed away when she was 2 and 3 more miscarriages and then I am a new mom again.
On April 7th, 2018 I was able to fly home with my entire family... all 7 of us. We are in the process of adopting these 3 beautiful children, 2 girls and a boy. I once again have no idea what I am doing but I know that I am driven by the love I have for these children. I can be overly protective at times and then at other times lack the empathy needed at the moment. I can be loving and fun one moment and at other times I have the "Stern Mommy Voice" that even I do not like that comes out when a few too many bad choices have been made. Every day is up and down. Each day has it treasures to be cherished and moments best left to be buried.
As I reflect on each of the changes that have occurred throughout the 12 years I have been a mother, I realize that I will continually and repeatedly be a new mom. Each time I gained a child I became a new mom. Each time my baby became a toddler I became a new mom. Each time my toddler became old enough to go to school I became a new mom. When my oldest went to middle school I became a new mom. And the cycle will continue with each transition in each of my children's lives.
As mothers we may not know what we are doing all the time but the important part about being a mom is moving forward with love.
May we each embrace being a loving mother to our remarkable children.